Hello Class
My name is Chris
Things I know well:

A Thru Hike on the PCT
> data data data
> maps maps maps
> web web web

Guess That NYC Hood!
Technologies i <3:

- Leaflet JS - Python - SQL - Node JS - D3 JS - TileMill - GitHub - GDAL / OGR2OGR - Terminal - QGIS
People I admire:

- Nathaniel Kelso - Mike Migurski - Rebecca Solnit - Laura Kurgan - Annette Kim - Katherine Harmon - Dennis Wood - Kate McLean


> Cartography’s history / legacy

> Rebecca Solnit’s city atlases

> Work by Stamen, NY Times Graphics Dept., National Geographic, Eric Fischer, etc.

> Map Hacks, like Patricio's

Red Lining Maps
Deficit Mapping
Smell Map Amsterdam
Counter Maps
Skylines III
The End

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